"Agora, mais um Double Feature"

Semana de 21 a 27/06


On Topic
- O Anticristo (L'anticristo/The Anticrist, 1974): ****
- O Carro: A Máquina do Diabo (The Car, 1977): ****
- A Estranha Hospedaria dos Prazeres (idem, 19): ***1/2


On Topic
- Buffy Ep.#3.22 (Graduation Day: Part 2 [Season Finale]): ***
- Dexter Ep.#2.01 (It's Alive [Season Premiere]): ***1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.02 (Waiting to Exhale): ***1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.03 (An Inconvenient Lie): ***
- Dexter Ep.#2.04 (See-Through): ***1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.05 (The Dark Defender): ****1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.06 (Dex, Lies, and Videotape): ***1/2

Semana de 28/06 a 04/07


On Topic
- Exorcismo Negro (idem, 1974): ****
- As Sete Vampiras (idem, 1986): ****
- Seduzidas pelo Demônio (idem, 1976): ***
- A Hora do Vampiro (Salem's Lot, 1979): ***1/2

Off Topic
- Ninja, O Protetor (Ninja: The Protector, 1986): **1/2


On Topic
- Dexter Ep.#2.07 (That Night, a Forest Grew): ****
- Dexter Ep.#2.08 (Morning Comes): ****1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.09 (Resistance Is Futile): ****
- Dexter Ep.#2.10 (There's Something About Harry): ***1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.11 (Left Turn Ahead): ****1/2
- Dexter Ep.#2.12 (The British Invasion [Season Finale]): *****