"Semana repleta de bagaceiras"


0 = Lixo
* = Ruim
** = Fraco
*** = Bom
**** = Excelente
***** = Imperdível


On Topic
- A Geladeira Assassina (The Refrigerator, 1991): **
- Microwave Massacre (idem, 1983): ***
- The Ghastly Ones (idem, 1968): **1/2
- Seeds of Sin (idem, 1968): *1/2
- Guru, The Mad Monk (idem, 1970): ****
- The Pod People [Edição MST3K] (idem/Los nuevos extraterrestres, 1983): ****
- The Beast of Yucca Flats (idem, 1961): ***1/2
- The Body Beneath (idem, 1970): **
- Blood (idem, 1974): **1/2
- Carnage (idem, 1984): ***
- Weirdo (idem, 1988): 1/2

Off Topic
- Rebobine, Por Favor (Be Kind, Rewind, 2008): ****1/2
- Iron Maiden, Flight 666 (idem, 2009): ****


On Topic
- Buffy Ep.#3.05 (Homecoming): **1/2
- Buffy Ep.#3.06 (Band Candy): **1/2
- Buffy Ep.#3.07 (Revelations): ***1/2

Off Topic
- 24 Ep.#7.19 (2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m.): ****